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Ah Boys To Men 2 Srt: Learn More About Singapore's Basic Military Training with Subs

Chromosomes contain the genetic instructions for how the body develops and functions. People usually have 46 chromosomes in each cell. Two of the 46 chromosomes, known as X and Y, are called sex chromosomes because they help determine whether a person will develop male or female reproductive structures. Girls and women typically have two X chromosomes (46,XX karyotype), while boys and men typically have one X chromosome and one Y chromosome (46,XY karyotype). In Swyer syndrome, individuals have one X chromosome and one Y chromosome in each cell, which is the pattern typically found in boys and men; however, they have female reproductive structures.

Ah Boys To Men 2 Srt

The Ku Klux Klan, at the time a political force of white populism, is depicted burning crosses and engaging in ceremonial dance. The character Menelaus "Pappy" O'Daniel, the governor of Mississippi and host of the radio show The Flour Hour, is similar in name and demeanor to W. Lee "Pappy" O'Daniel,[32] one-time Governor of Texas and later U.S. Senator from that state.[33] O'Daniel was in the flour business and used a backing band called the Light Crust Doughboys on his radio show.[34] In one campaign, O'Daniel carried a broom, an oft-used campaign device in the reform era, promising to sweep away patronage and corruption.[35] His theme song had the hook, "Please pass the biscuits, Pappy", emphasizing his connection with flour.[34]

During the early years of psychology in general, and social psychology in particular, the topic gender was largely absent from psychology, as indeed were women. Male researchers made claims about human nature based on findings that were restricted to a small portion of the population, namely, white, young, able-bodied, middle-class, heterosexual men [see Etaugh, 2016; a phenomenon that has been termed androcentrism (Hegarty, & Buechel, 2006)]. If women and girls were mentioned at all, they were usually seen as inferior to men and boys (e.g., Hall, 1904).

aaawaiBBBBBBBBBaaHr7J "?,HHI ; , ' THE WORLD : FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 2, 1887.P A. H. KING & CO.,.H THE RELIABLE BROADWAY CLOTHIERS.IHltL While tho ontiro WHOLESALE STOCK of $400,000W. worth of FINE CLOTHING recently purchased by us is'Kl , now ready for tho examination of intending purchasers.jgH'1'. ' wo shall announce from day to day, during the coutin-IK uaiice of ourK GREAT "DECEMBER SACRIFICE" SALE,!'H', A "Special Hun" on omo particular "Linn" which will bo " niarkod" forKr EBk'- ll10 OCC",on nt prices impossible) for other dealers to approach.IB : FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY WE OFFERiHp 2,000 Extra Heavy Men's Overcoats, worth $10,00, at $1.89$ 1.400 Men's Beaver Overcoats, worth $12,00, at - - $4.89Hf-' 1,650 Men's Fine Beaver Overcoats, worth $16.00, at $7.99WKk ' 900 Mon's Heavy Cassimere Suits, worth $12,00, at $3.89B ' ' 2,400 pair Men's Heavy Working Pants, worth $3,50, at 69o.I K' 6,000 Warm Overcoats for Boys (a new lot), worth $4,50, at 99c.Hp - 10,000 pairs Boys' Knee Pants, 3 to 8 years, worth $1.25, at 15cWtmt OUR SPECIAL BARGAIN.HR AN ELEGANT CHINCHILLA OVERCOAT,ilH.a?SB?SBBfrfggggSv Blue or black color, silk sergo lined, sateen slnovo linings, corded edge, lapHHLatV seams and silk velvet collar; custom tatlor-mudo uml perfect Uttlng: Riiar.BggggKw aateed all wool and fast colors; Just such a coat as Is usually sold at $U5. OO toHH&'a S40.00. Wo offer two thousand of those Couts utB . TEN DOLLARS. TEN DOLLARS.Hp;11 Wo guarantoo that this Is absolutely tho bost valuo In angBf. Overcoat ovor glvon for tho money In Now York City.HKf 'Thoabovo prices rofor to only afow of tho thousand varlotloaHg wo now have on hand In finest qualities of Overcoats, SuitsHgK' and Children's Clothing. Wo promiso to ploaso everybody!HHpH In quality, price and fit.B; A. H. KING & CO.,H;j THE RELIABLE BROADWAY CLOTHIERS,IB 627 and 629 Broadway, near Bleeoker St.pHMk OI'KN UWTITi O I. M. SATUKIIAY UNTIIi 11 1. M.H. DWIER HR0S' BAD LUCK.BRf;' v Dentil of Tfarlr Two.Yenr.Olil Colt KIhk11.Iiffjgm(t "' Hbrepsliead liny.EgR Tho enrly birds at Bhoopsbcml liny thisg&HK mornlnrs wore mot with tho announcementKpBt tHat tho Dwyer Ilros.' KingilHh had died ilur.jt'gKlJ 'P ' inR tho ulgut. It hud been known forJEKp sorao days that lio was nmissaHKC" with sorao kidney troubles, but itRPHRr,' was believed that tho worst wnsHggggslj-! over, and that ho was on tho mend. Kiup;.Hg-aHPf ' C0Bt tll(s Dwyer Hrotliors 3,225 nt DaaIfigggfiK' Bwigort's salo of yriirllniiH in May, 1R80. ThnHggggfiV '!o1t UdB by Viruil (tho Biro of tho famousHsawsaBv t ' Fromout). out of Kith, she by Australian,gggfffrr out of Kittio Clark, by Uloucoo. KiiicnsiiHaVLE" was not altogether a succoss last summer,Hggggffv' althooBki his ijross earnings wero $31,(140, orHggflrj tlegiXue entrance mouoy, which' nmounted toKlHPS M00, a net total of $30,240, mndo ni as fol-Hi IseawRv, lOWti iKgfaawt-v n'"flSswB.wn&'r ' Kltlrnnrt, lVfuf.Kgggwk Proonn for Expectation ti t:afgggfiBTr First for Hudson M y.gioHHKl'r Kir.t for Jimuiio mi v,4T6gSsaggflFY HsconU lor Sequence iui tio:! Third for roam viiKV First for Zi-pnjr M s.lssHK.' Third for bprlnif Tit loup IhiplJrcd Allumlc Ml?,;l . First for Flash luo x,t,;sKJUli Second for Hnraiogu Im 2miJKgggggfeB ' Third for Virginia ! to)HlilBb' Hroond for Konturliy Km tooK First for Junior Cimtnploa ssu 1,145HHHKr Unplacod fur Select lixiiilf; Brroud for Uqulty looHUKf.'' Unptnocd Flaiimsn INIHf UujiUcca Great Eastern MPJPJPhl Totals $I,4UU f!H,C40V il Kingnnh's Brentt win was tho Juniort Vj Qhaimiion Stakes nt Monmouth, wliieh wasflUT entirely duo to tho skill nud judgment of Ids,JB rider, Jimmy McLaughlin, who rodo a inng-mMk jUOcent racn on that occasion.iiilp' .'Ktngflsh had a number of valuable cugrtgo-IJiiHjH' meuts as a threo.yenr-old next year, whichiiiKv' include. tho 'Withers, llelinout and Jerome atIBilKV Jeromo Park, tho Coney Islam! Derby nudME, Tidal Stakes at HbeepsUead Hay, tho Loril-HMbfi' lard. Omnibus, StevvuR nud Stockton BtakesHiiKy at Monmouth Park, and tho lirerkeuridgoiK and Dixio at lialtimorc. Tito Dwyers hnvoHiHr '- tioWn yearling hulf brother which they callH9iB;,' OoldUBh. lie being by Prince Chnrlov out ofnBB: Kith, for which they paid $1,400 lust May.k: CHAF.GES AGAINST A JUSTICE.DpJppKu lie Is Aceuaeil nf lCxlurlliiir 3louey from nIBIHLv; Muu lluitrr Arrest.nK Kewaek. Deo. 2. Justice l'runcls O. Mc.PPJV ' Kinney will bo tried on Monday on a rhargoKj of extortion. Last July a young man namedHSg Sanford . Itynian, of 180 llrunswick street,IVK'V WM emPlyeil U.V tho Kovelty Manufacturingii tLwi? Ooiuiauy as collector. Ouo dny ho wnsar.I I HHR& rested at his homo, accused of embezzlingI H 102 of tho concern's money. Tho warrant1 Hfe (or his arrest was issued and served by3jJ H&v Justice MoKinney, who was acconnianied byoWm, Ppeclal Officer Charles Qolth.HljH'r. , Instead of taking the prisoner to his ownHiHfe" office and committing him for trial, it isKa alleged that McKinnny took It van to thoWHptf office of the company's agent, L. G. Flury, atKJHg, (J3 Bank street. There a settlement of thofliHir" "e WH nni,vc(J ftt '' tho paymont of thoKr,. cum which tho young man had embezzled,H' . Justice McKlnuey, it is charged, then do.Hy nanded.$25 for costs, which ltyau paid underMV protest.Kf After consulting a legal friend, Ilymanl went before Justice ltodrlge and sworo out aHfb warrant for tho arrest of McKinuoy on thoL'' ftr0liVitl? of ytortiou. Yesterday afternoonIV.v' thol'olice Justico was arrested athisolrlcoHf and taken before ltodrigo. whero ho guvoHHE; tail to appear for trial next Monday.p The New York Mnrlirti.HSi'i . Ul. Tbe bull movement coailnucd Hie tea.HPi turoolthe wheat ruarkrt, and prices after theK J pen! nj; wcro slightly undtr last night's clone.Vl' ineysoou became strons and ailvanced about aH cmtlu the lint Hour. Thotradluiwa enormoutE; and atteuded with comldirablt excitement, and atsssHm i Boon the market was strong at the highest point ofRUHhT.'-' Corrss opened strong nlth prices toi( liolnls above last ntsht't clop, aud then becameKE ' Auct but Arm. and remained so until noon whenH; the toue became aironir again and prices made aHMtyft further advance of 1U points as follows: Dec,IBiv April, U.6J; Way, 1W: June, H.W: July, 1J.S3UKS. Auir,. 14.C0) faeuu, 14.iA; Oct.. K.ldHBR" t cottos. cotton'opeued with a boom, the nmEy. tales brlut alx points hlnher, aud a further gain orBtHEt tnre polot. mt made on tbt Drtl call lleuvrHHse- "" !u 00t, turned the market at thlt point, ami a, decline occurred which continued until noon.K( when ths market iru weak aud prlcea 19 aHKli U P.lDU. Ltll?.w 0e opening. Noon prlcea;K ?B?i,0-S& sSV- 10;T5f-- Marct' i0--1 AprilH&tL 10.840. ; ilav 10,81c, jimo 10.9c. ' 'lHwV i 1 1 "tTBOLEi'MKlpe lino certificates weru fairlyWBcl ctlve, ppeulug at is and advancing to TOWlHg- lluuaer niado Mini Stenl, lln HnjH.lHr "Iwaitluvlnj am could get nothing to catHR?, t i from, mi r nac,"sixtecu.ycaV-old Nicholas ArcoIH' , 51'''7.6 c.unte.'lM tho EasoxMailet Court to.B ,jv vVe!Vosau0rMJlo,l'e'"t",B '''"'v. ' itmam, J$t3& fatv . 'A JiKTrKtt FK01 DAN D0I1ERTY.lie Write lo n Phllndnlplila Friend Justl'revlous to HUootlnic Col. Uralmm.PniLADELFniA.Dec. 2. A prominent sporting man of this city has rccoived a lottcrfrom Daniel F. Dohorty, who shot and killedOeorgo M. Graham, of Ilochostor, N. Y., inLondon, England, on Monday of last wook.Tho lottor was written on tho Bamelday thatthe murder was dono. 'When it was writtenDoherty probably had no thought of tho terrible crimo that ho committed a fow hourslater nud for which ho will probably pay withliis life. Dohorty's friends hero admit thattlioy fear that his fato is scaled.They know that murder is treatedas murder in England, and thata man who draws a revolver aud shootsanother to death in that country seldom escapes tho gallows. Doherty is well known totho frequenters of ttto sporting resorts of thiscity. Ho is a small, mondo-complovlbncdman, with strongly marked features, lieworo a' slight mustache aud was genernllywell dressed. Ho was not addicted to talking, and consequently very little is knownabout him. Two years ago ho owned a milkrouto uptown, which his brother-in-law purchased for him, hut the buslnosH proved toolaborious for him, nud ho soon gnvoltnp.Doherty was said to bo tho chief of a gang ofbunco sharps who operated very successfullyfor a time, but nothing was oor provenagnlust him.Ho was arrested oneo, but easily securedhlsrcli'UHo. Ho went to Kuropo three yearsago. Ovor in England Doherty is known asa bookmaker, nud ho claimed to havo independent moans. Where he acquired his sudden riches is a mystery to his friends in thiscity, for ho never had much money when howas hero.Doherty wroto tho lottor above roforrod tofrom his lodgings, 47 Wobeni place, ltussellsquare Loudon, n fow hours boforo hoshot Col. Graham. In this lettor ho said :"I was in Philadelphia last summer, butowing to circumstances which I could notcontrol, I could not call upon you."NEW Y0KK TO M. IlAllTHOhlU.The ltrsolmloua Tendrrlnv Illih Ibr FreedomuTllio City Hen! to Franco.The resolutions adopted by tho Hoard ofAldermen tendering tho freedom of tho cityto M. llartholdi, woro bent to him to-day.They are handsomely engrossed nud illumi.uated. Tho following communication accompanies them : 'IT. ilirlAoMI, Jl.f. Knurr,II it a k bin: 'the uuderslgued, a Committee of theCommon Council ot the city of New York, herewith enclose to you the resolutions paiod by thatbody on the occasion o( tho prccntallonot He Ircedom and hospitalities ofthe city to you, ensroaaed, mounted on ascroll and luckoett lu a box, by aurhorlty of aresolution patted Jan. M, 187. Wo havo availedourselves of trie good udlcen ot the Couaul ofFrance at thla port, who has kindly contented tobe tbe medium of trauimltllng the testimonial to)ou.We nianro you that tho delay In trautmltttnirthese rcbolulluna haa been unavoidable, for 11 laonly a few days sluco they wero delivered lo us.On behalf of tho people of the city of Nnw Yorkwe deatre to record our grateful sense ot obligationto yourself aa well a to tho people of the Frenchltepubllo, for the maRiilUcent work of art whichnow adorns "Liberty Inland," In New YorkHarbor.With Ihe hope that tho cloaat tlea of IrlendBhlpand brotherhood may forever exist between thoRepublics ot "la Hollo Frame" aud tho UnitedMates,We havo the honor to remain, very respectfullyjours.llcaiiF.FaniiELL,) Special Committee ofJohn Ouinn, y the Common Coo ncll ofA. It. CoNKUso, J the City of New York.OAKRIER HGE0NS FOIl MRa "BriDEll"How ihe Venthrrwelnht Fighter Lets IliaWife Know Where lie Is.ItrrCliL TO TBS WORLD.Uoston, Deo. 2, James Keonnn, who isbacking Iko Weir, tho " Spider," for hiscoming fight with Tommy Warren, will leavefor Minneapolis next Monday nftcmoon, tobe present a the encounter.When tho "Spider" btarted he took withhim two or threo carrier-pigeons, which hopromised his wife ho would liberate at cor.lain points along tho routo, so that she couldhear tidings from him without waiting for themails. The first one of tho birds liberatedarrived yesterday afternoqn. and Mrs. Weirlearned that her husband had passed throughNow York and is now bound btraight for tuuWest., She expocts another winged mesbcugor ina day or two.m mWhat In tbe Mutter with illr.. IlUlncttrrcuL TO TBS WOSLU.ICuioauo, llec v. At the Prohibition manmeeting at llatterylMaat nlgut (Jen. Clinton ll-Flskpledged Mrs. Cleveland toadouatlonof $luO,Baylng:" If Mr. Cleveland don't pay the uiouey I will. "About two hundred pertoua were pretent were subicnbed toward paying the expensesof the campaign, when some one inquired ' Whatlathe nutter with iirs. Dlalnet" There was norcapontv.STERN BROS.Will olfer to-morrow the followlne Special BarcalntIn theirSHOE DEPARTMENT:025 Pairs Ladles French Finish, Paris Kid Hoots, with patent An Qnleather-tips, newest shapes, former price $4.50, at ()fJi0l480 Pairs Ludles' Walking Hoots, strictly hand sewed, former (h i 1 f)prlco $0.00, at ()4,liU300 Pairs Ladles Kid Slippers, with bucldo ornament, former (f)1 QPprlco $2.5, at U)1,UU. . . , With larRO assortments of THeaded Oxford Tie, Ked Morocco Slippers, Undressed Kid, Patent Leatherand Hrouzo Low Shoes, forRECEPTION AND EVENING WEARCHILDREN'SSUITS AND CLOAKS.MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S DRESSESAt $2,98, $3.60, $4.60, $6.60, $7.60 and $9.60.MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S CLOAKSAt $3.60, $4.60, $5.60, $7.60, $9.60 and $10.60.ALLVERY MUCH BELOW REGULAR PRICES.32 to 36 West 23d StreetAND23 to 35 West 22d Street.Satin Lined,filain or quilted to buttonhole,ap seams, velvet pockets, rawedges or velvet piping-. Therichest and handsomest garmentIn the world. Tailors chargefrom $45 to $60.OUR PRGCELonflon&LiverpooICLOTHING COMPANY,86 & 88 BOWERY,CUlt. IIRNTBlt.HUT. (lltANO AND CAN At.."FUELEY & BUTTRTJM"English Merino. Underwear.JAMES BIcOREERY & CO.Gall upoehtl attention totheir .Full Importation ofthis colob r u tod lino ofUnderwear In all weights,suitable for the season formen, women and children.These goods will not shrinkor wash up in knots, andare equal to any manufactured. An examination isalso invited of a completelino of the eolobrated"OSTEHODE HEALTH CLOWE,"which, for its excellentqualities, has won a reputation throughout the world.Broadway and 11th St.LOST, FOUND AND KEWARDS.DflA HKWAIlD-DlulMOf lMSStoIBTS. I'll, dolOvlv . Ur, lot ch or nj on. of th... jnni iW. plc of rmtiroldry on iutu dUt 1S45, .lined AnaKUutxthllouui SID will b. pM for Ihi.; tku. uluelewtotnon. but th. ownrr, Cbulo Uro4dwuUoum, iCotodtCS lliotdw.y, N. Y. 'Jiiilis llanohue'e I.nst liny an ilie llertcti.Judge Uouoliue Hfceuded lUo Supremo Courtbench far tbe last time to-daj. lie ireildtd laCircuit, I'srt III. A handsome bank of roses, presented, by Clerk George V. Ljon, was on his deik.The Judge iiropotta to devote the Isat monib of histerm to the settlement of the cstes rcnulnlnc inhis bauds.Heath of n lroiulnrnt niitton.Jaraca Davit, sged Bttr. three yours, of TortItlchmond, 8. I., died this ruornin.'. He wai for along time connected wlih the Hoard of lire Undernrlters of thu cltr, was Past 1J aster of ItlchmondLodgu, Ko. W, V. and A. M. , ana l'ast Depatjartadiluter ot Itlchmond Count;.SUBSTANTIAL,SENSIBLE,SEASONABLE,SERVICEABLEPRESENTS.Of course we shall expectTO MAKE PRESENTSDURING THE HOLIDAYS, and what more APPROPRIATE, whether weconsider OUR OWN NEEDSor desire to GLADDEN THEHEART of a friend, than aFASHIONABLY CUT, EXQUISITELY TRIMMED,and altogether ELEGANTLYMADE OVERCOAT. Asan acknowledgment of theSPLENDID BUSINESS wehave been doing this season,and to meet our friends halfway in the expense of an APPROPRIATE PRESENT,we have reduced our SUPERBBEAVER, KERSEY andCHINCHILLA OVERCOATS, formerly $20, toTWELVE DOLLARS, andour PRINCELY $30 SILKLINED OVERCOATS toFIFTEEN DOLLARS. Alsoour EXTRA DURABLE $9ALL-WOOL OVERCOATSFOR BOYS to FOUR DOLLARS. If vou want aSMOKING JACKET, wehave them in EVERY STYLEIMAGINABLE, AT PROPORTIONATE REDUCTIONS. NOTICE During thismonth we PRESENT to everypurchaser an elegantly illustrated and interesting BOOK.MM STABLER & CO.,BROADWAY, COR. GRAND ST.,8TH AVE., COR. 40TH ST.THE COLLINS IMPROVEDEUREKA INK ERADICATOR.t. For Instantly remor-. fyjftffiffi z tag Ink na other stainsWs0(ey '5 ,rom booU. pspers,WwMI-hoU g clothing. Ao. withoutfEUMKAlfarlr 9lnJnr L-ontains noI ff'wlsSSl' P p0'0n" So1'1 "' ugggsSjr stationers. LiberalC"jis5--it discount to the trade." , f17 write for circulars.Collins Mfg. &' Chomlcal Co.,87 UNION SQUA11K, NEW YOnK.I'JMOH 60 CT8. BOX.,.N poisonous adds. Bold by Stationers, andDruggists. It docs not deteriorate.E. J. DE1E& CO.,HUCt'KMUOltH TOA. T. STEWART & CO..(RETAIL.)USEFUL HOLIDAY GIFTS.FINE FURNITURE.A largo variety of artisticWriting Doslcs, Tables,Chairs, Music Cabinets, BookCases, Shaving Stands, Cliiffonnieros, Sideboards, Extension Tables, Brass Bedsteads ; also Oak, Mahoganyand Cherry Bedroom Suits,at very reasonable prices.iy BclcctlotiH of the above madenow will be held for delivery during tho holidays if so desired.1 ,000 DOZENPARIS-MADEKID Sb SUEDE GLOVES.300 dozen 4-button Suedeat 50c. per pair; reducedfrom 85c.350 dozen 4-button Kid at50c. per pair ; reduced from$1.00.350 dozen 4-button embroidered Kid at 70c perpair ; reduced from $1.25.FINESILK UMBRELLAS.A superb collection of allsizes, natural handles, alsowith silver and gold mountings of the latest designs at$3.00 to $40.00 each.ENGRAVING DONE FREE.Broadway, 4th avo,, 9th and 10th sts.OUR LATEST SUCCESS,OVERCOATSANDULSTERS,Is duo to our great reputation, honestly earned, inMEN'S FURNISHINGS.We sell Overcoats and Ulsters on tho same principle.Tho very bost garments attho lowest prices.$7.00 to $22.40.Call and bo convinced thatwo can save you 20 to 40per cent.CATALOGUES READY.Mm383 Broadway, wltt8T.123 Fulton St., "'--Nawui.NOTK.-OUH ONLY BROADWAY STOUE1H AT WH1TK MT.RTKE1P1AMERICANSACHET POWDERSANDHanflkercliiefExtractsAltltLEGALLY WARRANTED:BAOIIETS TO HOLD THBIIl ODOR.FORFIVE YEARS.Ititrtcts, ajloniMtho MOST UNREASONAUUSperson mar aakAna to be far oaperiorla cTery wayLubin's, Atkinson's, Coudray's,Or In (ut ANY i Imported or Domutlo., ... lrloeoiHoheUir.lpuant and artlitlo paper packet. 25 centi. aDeoonted metal caaketa, containing one ounce, 25cent.Decorated metal caaketa, containing Xlb., 90 cent..Price of Ki tract, tKlntant slaai atoppered bottli-a, IX ouncea, 45 cenU.INSIST ON HAVINGBIKER'S PERFUMESIN THE ORIOINAL PAOKAOK.NO OTHERS OAN COMPARIC WITH TIIK1I.l)o not allow an; one to perniade jron otherwise. Sold'Lf.'.m?rt 't dealer. lhnuliou th. United SUtea. I(ANY druaalit refnaeato aupnlj jon, roucar. be MURKol retting what ruu ASK FOR U the DRY-nOODSHOUbBS and CltNEUAL bTORKS, or direct FROMDRUOGIRT8 AND PKRFUMERS.AT 853 OTH AVE.. NKW YORK.rTOUCEOPATHY.-SkUfnl medical " ada " depletingXX manifold ajmptoma leading to all aorta of direful reaults make man uo.gioa danaer where there ii none.Don't let avion atuff bare Influence and don't makemedicine d.pot ol the atomaen. Wtien alck go to a non"adTertiaing pnjaiclan or look op Indicated llomcaopathiaiiWBrf1 adoaeortwo and tbe onancea arVtbalU1 end the trouble, Dnuglata keep ou madimnaa!.BOWUOK B A, AlrEtoicaJJtrUeTTSSilfitl:a Orand at., f Wm iU St., Hi York, "wiw1,MaEHRICH BROS.TEN IMMENSE BARGAINS IN OUR MEN'S ANDBOYS' CLOTHING DEPARTMENTTO-MORROW.MEN'SDEPARTMENT BOYS' DEPARTMENTMto'a Sack BalU of dark Plaid Cadstmar. tnx&ntlj TIojh Norfolk Blonto Snlt. tn dark mUwl twLmade and trimmed. To morrow, our pticts $.t0. alcea 4 to lUypan, To-morrow nurpiioe, S3.35.MenaIrt Haitfl InblAok Ourkaorew Worpled: Back llnyi Knee lnt of ffnod unallty caMlmare, neatptor Xuur-llutton OuUway xiylea, liAndaoinely bound and terns, alxoa 4 to 13 jean. To-morrow, our prlo. 89lined throuahmit witb sUkHuUhed aerife. To-morrow, ct-nU,ourprloe. 8.&0. Iloya' Norfolk Bioiirm Dru Botta, In blue and bUckMcn'adark Mae Chinchilla Heaver OvereoMa, velvet corkcrcw worsted, tinlahed in the beat manner. alxe4collar, well mule. To-morrow, our price $0.60, to 13 yrarn. Tn. morrow, tmr prion, $3.35. &Alpn'a dark bine Fur lleaver Uverooata, liandaomel lloya blalted II louse Salts, fnjrrar and Olford mtx4llntid, well and stronffl madu. To-morrow, our price caaitnero, vprynsatt liea,4 to lSjean, To-morrow.(B.OU ' our price, 83.49. 'Jdena dark blue and black Chinchilla Beaver Over- lloja1 Ixmc Tanta Bnlta In dark platd and mixed caaaiooau, of very line quality, equal to custom work. To tneru; airoi, It) to IB yean. To-morrow. oar price, 88.49.morrow, our price Q10.UOFURS. CLOAKS.A recent pnrobaaeol ! mannfacturer'a entire ftock of Ladlea'.Ohecked and Striped Jacketa, with or wlihontmnffa. lloaa and for Trimminga offered at almoat half the Hooda, elpgantlr made, in all colors and Btllee. AactnalTalne. genuine bargain at 87.50. RedScedtoPrime nualltr opoanim Muffa, lined with fine aatln,worth 2.50eacb, 83.UO.AT 81. 30. Iidlea' All-Wool Newmarketa, with capea. A neatlyjngHtlhl ..tln-llned A.trachan Mna. worth 2.25 fTortUlo! Reduct '" "At 81.25. SO.DO.Real Alaaka Sable Muff., aatln-llned, worth 0.00 iaiM. Kngllah aeal pln.h Wrapa, Uned with cade.M0D quilted aatln, really Mne gooda, at almnat 23 per oent. reAt 82.48. ductlon from original coat of manufacture, Bedaoeo .Prime natural Raccoon Muila, aatln-llned, worth (5.E0 Prtce. 810.70At 82.08. Ladlea Raglana, In all Imaginable atjlea. ahapes sad, L,n , .. , a . . -w t oolorf; llnlahed In flrit'Olaaa manner and made no ofOennlne black RnMlan Hair Seta, Mufl and Boa, boa choice material., not one garment in the lot worth leeaSrerda long, worth (3.25 each, than 810, and aome worth double. Reduced to th nnl.At 81.80. form price.Another lot of prlmo quality Monkey Muffa, worth 87.85. v83.75 each, Mlaaea' tailor-made Ferrmarkets, In gray checks.At 8icd, aty Hah ahoulder capee, alae. 14 to 16 years, worth notRealSealaklnLoop.orDuttonaforSacquea.wh leaathanSo.Weac-h. Reducedto30c. 80.38.Natural Lynx Muffa, richly lined with Satin, worth Children', cloaka. In handaome plaids and checka,84.7oeaon. with ahoulder cape or hood, aa preferred, dee. 4 to 12.At 8.7. We hare divided the roal Talhe of theae ganneQts byLorely Anatrian SUrer-Orar Set. of Muff and Boa. 3 tw0' n(1 tho MtalUa reOt?J,rl0, Uayarda long, and Rich Satin LlnedMuff, worth $5.75 per 84.08.Mt t 83,48, Special lot of Children'. Qouamera, odd alaea.Natural Raccoon Boaa, with 83.75 each. j,,.,, hnJJ Wonud j aJAt 91.311. to$1.25.Everything In Bealakln HaU, Can. and Olore. for I-dlf a' hesTrWOpj. LKOO INS. allcplora, at S8o.ladle, and gentlemen at lower prlcea than any of oar moat Obildren'a KNITTED TOUOQOANS, upward from ,"jUlalnda of Fur Trlmmlpg. In all width, at rldlculoualy Ladlee' large aire, four-comered WORSTED HOODS,low prices. all colore, at 45c.Rial SealaUn Skating Oapa for boy. and girla, worth . Ladl".' large, hand-knitted snoULDER-SOAIlFS.81.33. In Tarloua colore, made of the finest quality worsted.v At 00c. ooat to manufacture, 82.2B, at 81.83.ZidW Worsted Wear and Jera D.ptment. tempo. -rgBISlffa JrTi!&S&&rarlly locate din the Suit Parlors on the second floor. worth 81. M and 81.76.EIGHTH AVE. 24th $c 25th Sts.find Dp of the Great Fire Sale.Every Garrnent Must be Sold Before Jan. 1Our store leased to Henry Newman & Co. and everyovercoat and suit must be sold; in fact, almost given away.FIRE! FIRE! FIRE!In addition to our great lire sale we have about100,000 winter Overcoats, Ulsters and Suits for men andboys, which must be closed out regardless of cost asquickly as possible.MEN'S OVERCOATS ----- $2.40 UPWARD.MEN'S SUITS ------- $3.70 UPWARD.MEN'S PANTS . - 00c. UPWARD.BOYS' SUITS $2.20 UPWARD.CIIILiDKUN'S SUITS ----- $1.70 UPWARD.Remember, this is a genuine clearing-out sale. Call earlyBALL & CO.,Retiring Retail Clothiers,628 and 630 Broadway, Jiet, Bleecker and Houston Sts.EDISON'S GREATEST.What the Wlcnrd of Menlo Park Has Donefor tbe World and Wherein Ills Great.est Achievement IJes.No single man In the history of tbe worldever discovered so many thins, that contribute to the prog-res. of civilization aa ThomasA. Edl.on. Tbe number Is legion and tbelrvalne Inestimable. Hut out of the entire Hatonly one Is specially designed to belp manphyaloaltr. He who can relieve physical uf.ferine;, vrbo can lighten pain, confers a greaterblessing; oil the world tbaa tho one who .Implyadd. to tbe world's wealtb. That I. Juat whatThomas A. UdLon did when be discoveredI'olytorm. He brought to light tbe means 01"baulahlng nil neuraTtflc. rheumatto or sclatlopitln.t or chocking the lirat approach of urnscular coide, of preventing; nervous headacheor any nerve.troublri nud of inaklnjrinenandwomen bappler and longer lived. The accounts of the wonderful effects of lidlson'sI'olyform would Oil an entire pnper and ItsImmense popularity Is dna whopy to lis abnoute merit. It Is sold by all druggist anddealers at one dollur per bottle. Vou cannotaflord to be wlthom It.OVERCOATS.OVERCOATS.HBSHKIND & CO.(All Blue Signs),300 AND 308 OUOAUWAV,COR. WALKER ST., NEW YORK,Open Saturday nlghta until 9 o'clocktPIANOS AND ORGANS.WATERS PIANOS.Upright DaoUlty. Th best and mott durable made.Warranted alx year. Prlcea low fur oaah. or on laMaltnenU only $10 fwir month. AJao a large lot of finenoond'band piano at groat bargains and on eaijr terms.Pianos rvnted and exchangedWAHEKOOMS, 13 BTIl AVE., NKAR 18TII 8T.ESTEY PIANOSTheae famoua instrument contain patented improvementa not found in utltar planoa, and which make themauperlor In tone and durability to any other make. lie.fore deciding what piano Ui buy, call at No. 6 Kaat Fourteenth street and see and hear them. The price, are Ionfor caah or on amall monthly pajrnente.A NUMBER OF ORAMl. upright and aquare pianosUX .of our make, allghtly used, almoat aa good aa new.and fully warranted, will be Kid at a liberal redactionICS "ul"' Plc I.C1"10 Wm. Knabe A Oo.,U'J 8th are., abute ltth at. 'BARGAINS IN flANOHat Undeman A Mon'awarerooms, 115 0th are., near lUth at. a larg aaaortsent of new aud ellgbtlr nsed piano, of our own andother makea at eery attraotlT. prices.milB "OPERA " PIANO, th. moat popular and theJ. finest In the market, only (19 monthly until paid ioneauarter'araualoleawna freai rent onlySSi send forcataJogn l'e.kASon.al8We.ti7th.t.,oonarlliwa7.DENTTsTItY.A ."i!t!E.f"OIl,S11 for the painliiaa eitractlon ofth tSh rU.6 "WtfH' "" '""' AMt Without gaa.l holf ., ttli',i" ""i" beautifully flnUhed from1.00 up. Plastic i Olllnga from Wo. up, BeautifullySKraAr&lttl '.. tht,r bsrtjfiom 10 up!""'""M''''',ssss.wawgESTABLISHED 1807.B. i:COWPBRTHWAIT & CO.Furniture, Carpets, Bedding,Stoves, Crockery, Everything for Housekeeping.153, 155, 107, 150. 101.103, 105 Chatham Bl.i103, 105, 107. 10U, 01, 203, 805 i'ork Uowt-jNEW YORK,Between City Hall or Bridge entrance and Ohathasi VSquare Elerated Station. AAGoods sent everywhereevery day. Liberal terms ofcash discount. New pricelists mailed on application.r""Q9-rts1faiilS' H! "flrHobB.fllr", ? N. -wim. hr aiDaaiSTU ro teas rafesUassan, aUUlBMUlsg rental .1 gUrfntlCITT r.n. rcsurlag taa u Health aaSVlgoroos BtrenartSXlteulsCamat r.lllansallTer sVFwMiSkOM Cask. ImUlM.r, wsru ssms rggMiSgSTLl: .THE SAsOtH ELICTIIO CO., 022 BtOADWAY. rslW YHJaf'irGREAT CRDSHBR !ON IIKJIl.PUICI! DUALOiUH AT TUBCONMAIIG SALE!WE IIAVB JIECUIVKD 1'UO.II 'KNIOHTS & S0NSJoF "wwiWaSe miSiiitm"0OVERCOATS;HATINNgOUUgggHOIJT.At $17.50.alaSo AKK A 1,0S1TIVE UAiiaAiN AgVvkn;IAVaAPI5 DL8TEtts AXMOBUJ -BllkaatiSlNDBttWBAU AND VS&J4i


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